You can't fix it...

There are times when I'm simply overwhelmed.  Sometimes I'm overcommitted; to activities, events or even volunteering.  Sometimes it's the disarray of my home or the mound of laundry awaiting my attention...dishes, yard work, kitchen chores...the list goes on and on.  Other times it's something bigger; worry over the negative choices being made by a loved one or concern for a friend or family member going through a difficult time.  Maybe it's the state of our world; ongoing chaos, racial division, homes divided, elevating crime, the increasing of natural disasters, or the diagnosis of something serious.  

When all of these things rush into our lives like a raging river out of control, when we don't quite have time to catch our breath from one large hurdle to another, when we're being pulled in multiple directions, how do you handle the pressure?  Do you retreat?  Pull away from friends and family?  Continue to ponder the many wrongs of the world analyzing it from every angle but really not finding the answer and sometimes only seeing a glimmer hope?  I do all of this!  I'm a fixer!  I like to fix things, be the one promoting harmony and unity, offering solutions or answers.  It's just what I do.  I've fixed things or at least tried to fix things for as long as I can remember.  This can all seem fine and good until you realize that you really can't fix anything.  The fixing is beyond you, it's bigger than you.  That takes us back to the feeling of being overwhelmed.  

There's a verse; it gives me great hope. 

As a  follower of Christ, I'm a Christian.  To say that I'm a Christian doesn't mean that I have all the answers, it means that I recognize my failures and believe that Christ who lives in me has the cure.  I'm not always strong but often very weak and trust that in my weakness He'll be my strength.  When I don't have the answers, I know that no one can measure the depths of his understanding.  When I'm so confused and I don't even know how to pray, He sends The Helper to go before me and speaks on my behalf.  Having Christ doesn't make me perfect. It's a reminder that I recognized my failures and my need for help, my absolute need for a Savior.   It's the reminder that there is truly something, someone bigger than me, bigger than my trials, my hurts or my worries.  Someone who will carry me when my legs are too weak to stand, someone who gives me hope when it seems like there's none to be found. This is my Jesus!  Do you know Him?  Are you struggling?  Hurting?  Looking for answers?  One word will fix it all...Jesus!  

Listen to these words from Isaiah.  Lincoln Brewster * Everlasting God


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