Fear Not...You Are Loved!

This morning as I sit in my favorite chair, the one that I study & pray in I'm overwhelmed by many thoughts.  As I'm praying and preparing to share my life and heart in a completely new and different way I'm overwhelmed of where I've been and where I am now.  In thinking of true grace and restoration my thoughts are "look at me now".  I was once a timid, insecure girl, trying to find where I belong but feeling like I belonged nowhere.   I'm reminded of 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come.  Days past would have me more concerned about what others thought of me but now my thoughts are more consumed with what The Lord thinks, am I bringing Him glory, are my ways His ways?  

We have great power in this world.  We have the power to impact people, to point them to something; selfishness, greed, to be self seeking to look out for #1, to just do it, to get them before they get you, to live now because you only have one life to live.  Unfortunately, these thoughts seem to be the common thread of lies that run through our culture and world.  Maybe these things are also prompted by fear; fear of pain, hurt or rejection.  Maybe we just don't have the faith in our selves to break out of the mold that the world wants to put us in.

In our thoughts, in submitting to the negative and selfish, what if we saw our true value in a  life in Christ.  What if we clung to the truth of Isiah 43:1b, 4.  What if you really embraced the fact that if you are truly a follower of Christ you are redeemed.  To be redeemed means to be freed, bought with a price.  This freedom was bought by Christ laying down His life so you could have yours!  Look at the next line, He calls you by your name!  Not only that but Matthew 10:30 & Luke 12:7   say "...the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear, you are more valuable than the sparrows". Psalm 139:13 says "He formed your inward parts; He knitted you together in your mother's womb".
Child of the King, stop running, stop searching...YOU ARE PRECIOUS AND HONORED, YOU ARE LOVED!  Perhaps that's just what you need to hear today!

Knowing this truth, what will you do with it?  You should embrace it.  Thank 
The Lord for His unfailing love and please share it!  Someone else is struggling, just as you have.  They need to know of His love and His grace.  Remember...don't be afraid, don't be ashamed, you are a new creation!  You are loved!


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