These are a few of my favorite things!

First of all, please don't hate me!  I've been MIA for longer than I care to even think of but man, sometimes life just gets in the way!  I'm so grateful to you for sticking with me, for continuing to read and following me!  So from me to you, "Thank you!"

As we're sliding full speed into Christmas I wanted to share a few things that are on my list of ALL TIME FAVORITES!  These are things that have impacted my life, they make me happy and they even make me feel good.  We all have those things that impact our lives, those things that we just want to share (sometimes loudly).  :)

So, no more delaying....let's do this!

One of my most recent favorites, Knotty Pine Granola.  Holy cow y'all, this stuff is pretty stinkin' amazing!  My son first told me about this stuff and I kind of thought he was exaggerating.  Don't tell him I said that. haha Quite honestly, at the first mention of raisins I was immediately turned off.   There was no way I was going to put a raisin in my mouth.  I know, I know, that sounds pretty childish.  If the truth be told, I actually thought about pulling them out of the package but when the adult in me started thinking about what I'd want my kids to do I knew that I'd be trying this little pack of goodness, raisins and all!  Let me say, the raisins weren't the regular, brown raisins.  They were golden and yummy.  Now, is there a difference in flavor between those two types of raisins?  I'm really not sure but trust me, you won't be disappointed.  This stuff is so worth a try!  You can thank me later!  Click HERE for your granola goodness!  If you would, let them know that I sent you! 

Moving on...

Ladies, this is especially for you.  How many of you hate panty lines?  How many of you hate to see that crease in your pants where your panties are cutting into your bottom?  TMI?  I'm sorry but y'all, this is real stuff! Most of us don't like panty lines so let me introduce you to your new BFF in the panty department.  Vanishing Edge Panties from Soma!  I wish I had emojis on here.  I'd be throwing up all kinds of heart eyes!  They have several different cuts, colors and options.  They have a super flat, unstitched edge so they lay flat against your skin.  On the backside edge, there's a silicone edge that helps keep your panties in place.  Yay!!! really have to try these.  Hey, if you'd like to get a coupon for $15 off your purchase, send me your first name and email address.  I'll get you the hookup!  Check out the panties HERE 

I will tell you, these are a little pricier than running to Target for your undies.  They always have a sale going on AND if you like to save even more money, do you use Ebates?  No!  Y'all....easiest thing ever!  I shop from my laptop and I have an Ebates widget right on my task bar.  When I go to one of their participating sites, they give me a percentage back on  my purchase!  That's it!  Some places give you 1% back while others offer 12% or more!  Why in the world wouldn't anyone want to get money back on something they're going to buy anyway???  This really is a HUGE savings opp!  I shop, they look for coupons on my purchase + they give me back a percentage of my coupon.  Try it...have a look and let me know what you think!  Ebates Link

If you're an oiler, you're going to absolutely LOVE this!  There's a man who has a heart for Jesus and a whole lot of talent!  When I found that I was running out of space to hold my huge amount of oils, I enlisted the help of Ken with Reclaimed for a Purpose.  I sent him a picture and told him what I was after.  He absolutely exceeded my expectations!  I chose a white, distressed finish but I've seen some stained or colored pieces he's done as well!  I loved his work SO much (and I still had MORE oils) so I ordered a second rack!  

Check them out of Facebook.  Reclaimed for a Purpose - Facebook

Not on Facebook?  No problem.  Ken Grindle,  
Again, please let him know that I sent you his way!


And lastly, for now.  How many of you just want to feel better?  You want to sleep better and have more stamina to get through the day!  ME ME ME!!!  I know I'm not the only one here.  THIS stuff is the absolute most amazing stuff! This is a part of my families daily routine.  2oz a day is the norm but there are times when I'm doubling that (like now).  There's so much yuck going around and nobody's got time for that mess.  Let me tell you the big why about this magic juice.

NingXia Red is a supplement designed to energize, fortify, and revitalize the body and mind. Who doesn't need that in their life?! 
This super fruit blend supports your immune system, healthy blood sugar levels, and promotes eye health through vital phytonutrients. Just as plants use phytonutrients to stay healthy, we use them to do the same! NR is 25% NingXia Wolfberry puree. Why is this important? Two reasons.
First, there are benefits in every part of the berry. The fact that they use NingXia berry puree vs juice means you are getting ALL the health benefits of the entire NingXia Wolfberry. 

Second, NingXia Wolfberries are around 30,000 on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale. To put it into perspective, blueberries are around 2500 ORAC. The ORAC value, or “ORAC score” is a method of measuring the in vitro antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements. The higher the ORAC value the more effective at neutralizing free radical.
Sounds amazing, right?! Y'all, forget symptom management and let's focus on prevention!  Tell your kiddos that they can protect their bodies like a "Ninja".  
Here's my morning Ningxia.  I've been spicing it up a little lately.  Because I'm really being intentional about my health, this is 3oz of Ningxia Red + Ningxia Nitro + RedShot.
Let me tell you why I enjoy Ningxia Nitro other than it's amazing.  
  • Improve Mental Clarity
  • Can increase Mental Fitness
  • Cognitive Alertness
  • Physical Acuity
  • Enhances Athletic Performance
  • Improved Endurance
  • Natural Energy Booster
That tiny tube is a combination of fruit and juice extracts from cherry, black currant, blueberry, bilberry, raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, kiwi, and acerola.

When we want to give our bodies or brain a boost of energy, we often grab a cup of coffee, or several.  This is a natural way to get the energy you want, naturally! (insert clapping emoji) 

If you're all about feeling better - better health - better sleep - more energy naturally.  You've got to try this.  There are several ways but have a look at some additional info on my website.  Once you arrive at the home page, scroll down a little bit and you'll see those bottles full lot red amazing-ness.  There's some great information there so go, have a look.  
You can get your own Ningxia there by clicking "try it today".  The absolute best deal is as a Wholesale Member because there is a 24% savings (who doesn't love to save money).  I'd be super honored to help you on your journey!  As you continue through the site, you'll have the option to select your Premium Starter Kit. You'll see some "oily" kits on that page but at the tab on the top you can select "other premium kits" to select the Ningxia Red kit!  At any time during this process, you are more than welcome to give me a call or shoot me a text.  I'm happy to help you make the choices that are right for you and your family!  

Thanks so much for sticking with me friends!  If you decide to get any of these goodies today, will you comment and let me know.  Let me know that you got and how you like it!  

Blessings my friends! 


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