Gettin' Down & Dirty

So, on this Saturday morning, our first day of summer...I should have indulged by sleeping in.  Rather, I was up early, marinating a big piece of beef that I'll later cook on my Big Green Egg later this afternoon and contemplating cleaning!  WHY?!  I've yearned for sleep and some down time, *SIGH*.  Anyway, if I must clean (and I must) let's do it right.  Now that our house is back on the market, cleaning must be in the forefront of my mind and a constant in my life.  BTW, if you're looking for a lovely home in North Georgia, please inquire.  I have just the place for you.  Sorry for the detour, let's get back on track.  Cleaning your home doesn't need to be toxic.  My love for Young Living Essential Oils is a huge help along this journey of life and cleaning is one of the many little avenues that they have a place in.  Let me share with you some great recipes that integrate oils.  I've already shared some but I'll gladly post the links right here in this post, just to make it super easy for you to reference them!  

So, one of my first posts about cleaning products was for Homemade Laundry Soap.  As a follow-up, I love this stuff!  I've washed nearly 100 loads of laundry from one batch!  My clothes are clean, they smell nice and it was super cheap!

I also shared a recipe for Homemade Fabric Softener.  Also super cheap and beyond easy.  It was so easy your little one could make it.  Also, it's non toxic so they really could help!  

Another tried and true item is my Homemade Dishwasher Caps.  I've made these a couple times now.  My last batch didn't quite form up like my other but I found that it wasn't a bother.  I still stored it in my jar and just took the loose powder mix & put it into the cleaner compartment in my dishwasher.  Somehow I must have just missed a measurement but I still love this product!

Let's talk about a few new things.  I found this super easy recipe that would easily replace a powder cleaner like Ajax or Comet without all of the 
harsh side effects.  

How about another, perhaps not as "cute" as the last one but just as effective...

and another...

So, there we go!  Lots of options for a healthier, cleaner home!

If you're interested in giving the products a try I'm happy to add to my personal order or you're welcome to got to Young Living's site. (click on the words just before, "Young Living")  On that page you'll decide if you'd like to sign up as a "Retail Customer" or as a "Wholesale Member".  One of the great perks as a Wholesale Member is reduced shipping on all orders and a 24% discount off of Retail pricing.  Member ID 1628216
As always, please post your thoughts, comments or personal testimonial. They're a help and a blessing to the many people who read this blog. 


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