Moving Mountains

At this present time, I'd say we have some pretty big things happening in our lives, in my family.  It's so easy to get wrapped up in the "what-if's" of life.   In my prayer for this particular item I'm working to stay focused on the fact that The Lords ways are greater than my ways.  

Isaiah 55:8-9English Standard Version (ESV)

8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. 
9  For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This very thought along with the thought that anything He gives us is for His glory and for furthering His Gospel and kingdom.  

Keeping all of this is mind is a breeze...NOT!  

My specific prayer has been that The Lord would clearly open and close doors.  At this point, I see Him making ways and opening doors but still...I worry!

This morning I text a friend.  The words I typed came so effortlessly.  I told here that "God is moving mountains".  As I look at those words I was taken aback.  In that moment, those words came effortlessly and without a thought.  He IS still in the business of making the impossible possible, healing the sick, making the deaf to hear and the blind to see. He takes the sinful out of their rut, wipes them off making them white as snow and gives them a new life.   Hear me in this friends...some of you need to hear this, He's still in the business of fixing marriages!  
Did you hear that?!  This incredible God who formed the heavens and the earth, who fashioned you in your mother's womb, who knows every hair on your head is a miracle worker!  

Have a look at this song.  The words are beautiful and very profound.  Listen them...don't just listen to the beautiful voice singing, hear the message in the song and be encouraged.  

One of the biggest problems I see now a days amongst believers or the world in general is that we think we've got it all figured out.  We're so busy fixing things, trying to find the right solution or even trying to force a square peg into a round hole.  What if we just waited...waited on 
The Lord?  In our desperation, what if we waited on His presence. 

There's a promise right there.  Oh friends, if we could truly embrace this, what might our lives look like?  How much more quickly might we come through or even recover from a trial?  What if the entire outcome of a situation was changed because we stopped trying to fix things ourselves and rested in Christ who knows all things?

For me, on this day I will trust!  He knows my tomorrow better than I do.  He knows just what my family needs.  Yes, I know what I want but I'm waiting and praying. I'm watching for Him to move those mountains that seem impossible for me!


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