Buckets of fun...

so, there's a lot of hype these days about the ice bucket challenge.  personally, i'm a bit over it.  the cause is wonderful but how many people really understand why they're dumping buckets, pails or containers of ice water over their heads?  als is a very legitimate diagnosis, also known as "lou gehrig's disease".  the mere mention of the als ice bucket challenge may prompt an instantaneous groaning but think about this...many people are jumping on this bandwagon because it seems like the "it" thing to do right now, social media is covered with these acts that seem silly but others are being prompted to seek info on what "als" actually is, others are actually following through on the intended purpose of raising money for this disease that actually receives very little funding.   

if you're interested, have a look at the official website for more information about this incurable disease.  

What is ALS?

i've seen a few of these "ice bucket challenges" that i've actually enjoyed watching.  let me share a few.

so i thought i'd post one of my girls but it just wouldn't work...she's so cute and was just waiting and hoping that someone might nominate her. me on the other hand, i was praying to not be mentioned on one of these videos... my prayer was not answered in this matter, the kid had the nerve to nominate me! my husband arrived home from a mens event with our church and was prepared to meet his challenge as well.  shame on him for also nominating me!  what's wrong with these people.  maybe i'll share it as a follow up if i actually go through with it.  personally, i'd rather just send my check. i know, i know...i'm totally chicken!  

if you choose to participate, remember...it's not just about getting all wet.  this is definitely an attempt to raise awareness as well as raise funds so make your donation.  i believe the donation they're asking is $10!   as of two days ago, August 22, they've raised over $53 million dollars compared to $2.2 million from last year at this time.  that's incredible!

so here's another one...bless this girls heart!  this is funny and clean.  

so yes, i have another one.  this one is our former president, george w. bush.  it's another good one.

i realize that there is a bit of controversy over the testing methods involved with als.  als association spokesperson carrie munk acknowledged that the organization currently funds one study using embryonic stem cells, but added that donors can ask that their money not be used for this purpose.  just as an fyi...there in another alternative.  the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, which advocates for stem cell research using adult stem cells.  this organization would be a very worthy place to make your donation to aid in their als research. 

have fun with this, remember the reason for the silliness and pray for those affected by this horrible disease. 


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