Snow Thoughts...

In lovely North Georgia we have a snow day!  We all have varying opinions on the snow. Maybe it's not so much the snow but the cold weather that comes along with it. Maybe it's the fact that all shelves that would normally contain bread & milk at the grocery store will be completely wiped clean for a 50 mile radius. Maybe it's the feeling of being stranded while the snow (and ice) have travel at a stand still. Maybe you're one who works in a job of service and the snow won't stop you, you must must help the sick, wounded or those in trouble. Maybe a snow day, a time out day doesn't even exist for you. 

I'm looking at the snow coming down this morning. I'm looking at the yard with a perfect blanket of white, completely untouched by nature. Even in the dark it's light shines. It makes me think of The Lord, how HE is The Light (John 8:12), and how HE lives in us and calls us to also share his light in a world that's so dark (Matthew 5:14-16, Acts 13:47). I also started to think about what the Living Word actually says about snow. There are several references but a couple really stuck out to me; Psalm 51:7, Isaiah 1:18. They both make reference to being washed or clean and white as snow. What a beautiful gift to be washed white as snow, to be forgiven, to have our sins tossed away & never to be thrown into our faces again, to be redeemed! 

Ladies, regardless of where you are on this snowy day...let the snow be a reminder of the redemption we have in a relationship with Christ Jesus. We are washed whiter than snow! The old has gone and the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17)


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