
We cannot miss this day without talking about one of my faves...Peppermint! This stuff has been around for ages and is one of the most highly regarded herbs around. I love it's strong, fresh, minty smell! We use it for oodles in our lives and around our home. It's known and used for supporting normal digestion, including promoting healthy intestinal function and gastrointestinal system comfort. Peppermint is one of the oils in in the Premium Starter Kit. It's also highly concentrated and considered a "hot" oil. For this reason, it is advisable to use a carrier oil if you'll be applying topically. 
Did you know:

* A single drop of Young Living Peppermint is the equivalent of 25-28 cups of peppermint tea. It’s potent! Far more powerful than herbs. It’s carefully distilled at a low temperature and with low pressure, so that all the therapeutic properties are protected.
* Peppermint is one of the key oils used in the Raindrop Technique.
* This is one of those oils you don't want to get near your eyes or cuts. Just take my word on this one. If you were to get this into your eyes, DON'T use water. Use a carrier oil to alleviate the burn and discomfort.
Try these:
* Add a drop of peppermint essential oil to herbal tea to help aid normal digestion.
* Massage several drops of peppermint essential oil on the abdomen, place a drop on wrists, or inhale to soothe the minor stomach discomfort associated with travel.
* Rub one drop of peppermint essential oil on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (careful to avoid contact with your eyes), and on the back of the neck to relieve head pressure.
* Place 2 drops of peppermint essential oil on the tongue and rub another drop of oil under the nose to help improve concentration and alertness.
* Apply peppermint essential oil to the back of the neck and shoulders throughout the day to keep energy up.
* Inhale peppermint essential oil, apply topically to your temples or neck, or put a drop on your tongue or in water to jump-start your morning routine.
* Diffuse or inhale peppermint essential oil mid-morning to curb the desire to snack.
* Inhale peppermint essential oil or rub a drop on to your abdomen to soothe minor stomach discomfort. do you use Peppermint? What do you love about it?

Wanna learn more?  Visit my website and poke around a bit.  Click here.

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