Sick and Tired Huh? So was I! (updated)

I know, I know…I seem to go in spurts.  My last post has kept me in deep thought and prayer for many days now.  If you haven’t read it you can click HERE to have a look.


The consistency of my life seems to involve exhaustion.  I like sleep.  I try to get 6-9 hours each night.  Regardless of how much I sleep I go to bed tired and wake up just the same.  For the longest time I just chalked it up to life.  I’m busy like most people.  We spend much time tending to our families, our homes, volunteering, jobs, ministry and countless other things but how often do we really think about ourselves?  I don’t mean the occasional mani-pedi you enjoy.  If your kids were sick you’d tend to them immediately.  If they were always tired you’d be searching for answers.  Why don’t we do the same for ourselves?  I finally have!  I just got sick and tired of being tired all the time.  The information I received came about in such a timely manner.  I can and will speak from personal testimony but I’ll also share the wise words of a lady who knows far more than I do.  

I’ve been using Young Living Essential Oils for almost a year now.  I’ve seen them do many great things in my life as well as in the life of my family & friends.  We’ve treated many ailments from tummy aches, pink eye, high blood pressure, fevers and more but the fact remained, I just didn’t feel great and I really wanted to. 

Let me share what I read with you and I’ll chime back in at the bottom.

No denying it, we live in a toxic world. The air, food, water, and the environment at large is full of harmful toxins and chemicals. When a person becomes interested in using natural products to rebalance their body for vitality in every organ and body system, it may be a little overwhelming on how to replace these toxic products and cleanse the body down to the cellular level. 
Do I cleanse first, or do I start taking supplements?
Maybe I’ll start with essential oils and apply them topically and take some orally?
Then what might happen? You experience a severe detox, headache or rash. Why? Their system is already on overload and the products that are great for them and doing their designed job are a little too overwhelming. So let’s all take a step back to the beginning and help everyone enjoy their YL experience.
One of the very first lessons learned in herbalist or naturopathic training is to cleanse, then nourish. Cleansing should for the most part be gentle, yet effective and something that occurs routinely. No headaches, no rashes or other “detox” symptoms should result if done properly and in order. So when talking to a new person about the Young Living lifestyle to wellness, purpose and abundance, or maybe for yourself, I have outlined below a 90 (and beyond) Lifestyle for Vitality program.
Rather than diving straight into the Everyday Oils collection, consider the NingXia Red kit. You’ll receive small samples of five essential oils, one bottle of Stress away and amazing NingXia Red and Nitro liquid nutritionals. You can add on a diffuser and then enroll in Essential Rewards with the monthly plan below. 
Month 1: Cleanse with Comfortone, Juvatone, Detoxzyme, Digest + Cleanse and Lemon and/or peppermint oil. The supplements are taken as directed on the bottle and provide gentle yet effective colon cleansing and detoxification. The oils may be used as follows: 1 drop in one liter of water, no more to start with. FYI, peppermint raises the bodies frequency higher than lemon. Lemon is more liver cleansing. 
(the picture below is mine…I’m on Month 1)

Month 2: Nourish with NingXia Red, Omegagize and Multigreens. The supplements are taken as directed on the bottle. Also add one of the essential oils that you used from the sample sachets, or one you have learned about.
Month 3: Maintain with the NingXia Red and Nitro and add in Life 5. Now is a great time to get the Essential Oils Desk Reference guide from
By now the 90 days is over and for most people they have begun to see positive changes in their energy and quality of life. Most people will be sharing the difference the YL products have meant to them.
Month 4: The Thieves kit of products that clean and protect you and your home from pesky germs. Hundreds of uses for the Thieves line to purify your home.
Month 5: Skin and personal care products - select from the many skin care options and personal care items (shampoo, hand sanitizer, lotions, soaps, etc), many of which last 3 months or longer, to replace the chemicals in the bathroom and throughout the home. Skin care is not only big business, chemically laden skin care products account for much of our toxic exposure. Radiant skin isn't just beautiful, its healthy and YL has some of the best quality and effective products. 
Month 6. Everyday Oils Kit, Raindrop, Feelings or Golden Touch kit. Getting one of these kits allows you to continue the essential oil learning experience.
Month 7. Now that you are familiar with a sampling of the many unique and natural products from Young Living you can start over with more cleansing and maintain your new found vitality with the products you’ve grown to love and rely on for the whole family. 
The specific products mentioned in the 90 Days to Vitality program are for the most part suggestions. You may need to start with the items in month 4 as the first month, depending on your needs. 
For more information contact the person who shared this plan with you. (that’d be me!)

Ok…this is it!  I have only just begun a week and 1/2 ago but oh my word!!!  I feel great, finally!  I am consuming large amounts of water so I find myself now waking in the evening to potty (which I normally don’t do).  Even with waking in the evening I actually feel rested in the AM.  I’ve got more energy and I truly feel that I’m on my way to better health.  I’ll gladly post again as this process continues and share my progress with you.  

**Hello....over 2 weeks in to this process now and I feel great!  I'm sleeping great which is more unusual than I could possibly tell you.  I still awake most nights for a potty break but have no trouble getting back to sleep.  I feel like my patterns of sleep are actually normal.  I'm having an easier time falling asleep at night and when I awake in the AM I'm no longer groggy and tired.  My energy level through the day has been consistent.  I feel great!  I'll post again in another week with an update! 

If you’re interested in beginning your journey to better health read on!
So...How do you get started?

Click here Click here to get started!
Select Wholesale Member (the only way to receive your 24% Discount)
My Member ID Number is 1628216 (but it should already be filled in)
Fill in all of your information
Please write down and save your pin, username & password because you will need    them in the future.
Choose the "Premium Start Living Kit". (Step 2) This is the one with the everyday oils kit, the diffuser and the start living kit.  The cost is $150.
Scroll down through the "Essential Rewards Kits" (Step 3) and click "no thank you".
Add any additional oils, products or capsules that you would like in addition to your kit if you'd like.  If you add enough to reach 190 PV you will earn the free monthly promotion. 
Check out!  Whoo Hoo, you're now officially a Young Living Member!  Now, just anxiously wait on the big brown truck to deliver your goodies!

Thanks for visiting & reading!  Please share my blog with a friend & sign up to receive notifications of new posts!  Also, please feel free to comment or ask questions. 


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