Here's the Oily Truth

Before I began this "oily" journey, it was all very confusing and not completely believable.  I was a skeptic to say the least.  It all seemed very bizarre.  I've always used conventional helps & medicine, it was very much the norm.  We've begun this journey and we're seeing some incredible things taking place in our lives.  With this recent change in my life and belief that there is a better way in treating and keeping my family healthy, I thought I'd share and hopefully answer some questions and alleviate some confusion that may be out there.  

These many ways listed below demonstrate how to use 4 popular essential oils that can help anyone immediately appreciate the benefits of Young Living's pure, beyond organic, therapeutic-grade essential oils.  Whether diffusing, applying topically, ingested as a dietary supplement, as air fresheners to kill airborne bacteria, as part of your First Aid kit, or used to flavor beverages, in cooking or baking - Young Living's oils will help you step into a world of wellness.  

Before continuing, you may like to know that the oils I'm posting about are included in the Premium Starter Kit.  Also, becoming a wholesaler member saves you 24% off retail prices.  The Premium Starter Kit includes the 4 mentioned oils including Frankincense, Valor, PanAway, Peace & Calming and Purification.  Also included in this kit is the Home Diffuser.  

You can always look for additional information at the Young Living site.  On that page you can choose whether you'd like to sign up as a Retail Customer or as an Independent Distributor.  You'll also be asked who introduced you to Young Living Essential oils.  There are two blanks asking for Sponsor ID and Enroller ID.  You'll enter 1628216 in both of those blanks.  I'm here to assist with any questions or if you need additional help.  

I can't wait to hear what you think!  Here's to living better, feeling better and a healthier way of life!

l a v e n d e r

Lavender is the most versatile of all essential oils.  Therapeutic grade Lavender has been highly regarded for the skin.  Lavender has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects.  It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations.  The fragrance is calming and balancing - physically and emotionally.

Apply 2-4 drops on location to soothe the pain of minor burns.

Diffuse, inhale directly or apply to bottoms of feet to promote relaxation an restful sleep. 

Rub a drop of Lavender Oil on your palms and smooth over your pillow to help relax.

Rub Lavender Oil on dry, chapped or irritated skin.

Apply a drop of Lavender Oil on location to relieve cold sore symptoms.

Rub several drops of Lavender & Coconut Oil on sunburned skin to reduce pain, redness & irritation.

Apply drops of Lavender Oil to Coconut Oil to help alleviate rashes & stop the itching.

Diffuse Lavender Oil during stressful periods of the day to relax muscles & ease tension.

Add to a bath with Epsom Salt to promote relaxation and peaceful sleep.

Put Lavender Oil on a cut to stop bleeding.

Put one drop of Lavender Oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching & reduce swelling.

For Motion Sickness, place one drop of Lavender on the tip of the tongue, around naval or behind ears.  (personally we apply behind ears)

Rub 1 drop of Lavender on the bridge of the nose to unblock tear ducts (keep away from eyes)

To minimize the formation of scar tissue, massage Lavender on & around the affected area.

A drop between your palms, inhale deeply to alleviate the symptoms of Hay Fever.

l e m o n

Lemon (Citrus lemon) has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been studied for their effects on immune function.  Lemon oil has also been shown to elevate mood.  CAUTION:  Citrus oils should NOT be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 24 hours.

Diffuse or ingest while studying to help retain information.

Use a drop in public water to help kill germs.

Rub on Elbows and feet to smooth calluses, corns & bunions.

Drink three drops of lemon in water to help reduce heartburn.

Freshen up stinky laundry by adding a few drops to the washer.

Diffuse to help uplift moods.

Use as a degreaser in cleaning everything from countertops to pots & pans.

Add to dishwasher to help remove hard water spots.

Add Lemon Oil to your facial cleanser to help slough off dead skin cells and create a fresh, clear complexion.  

Great for removing gum from hair or carpet and also helps remove sticky residue from labels on bottles & jars.

Use a few droops to help remove crayon marks from walls.  

Use 1-3 drops of Lemon oil to add flavor to salad dressings, baked goods or beverages.

Homemade Lemonade, in a blender, add 2 drops Lemon oil, 2 Tbsp of honey and 2 cups of pure water.  Tip:  add 1 cup of ice (in place of water) to make a slushy.

Use 1-2 drops Lemon oil to remove gum, oil, grease or crayon.

Rub 1 drop Lemon oil on a corn, callous or bunion morning & evening.

Clean & increase the shelf life of fresh fruit; fill a bowl with cool water and 2-3 drops Lemon oil.  Be sure all surfaces of the fruit contact the Lemon water. 

To disinfect countertops, add 2-3 drops Lemon oil to water (in a spray bottle) and spray countertops. (wipe or air dry)

Place 1 drop of Lemon oil on cold sores or fever blisters to lessen pain & aid healing.

Put 1 drop of Lemon oil on bleeding gums caused by gingivitis or tooth extraction.

Rub 2 drops of Lemon oil topically for athlete's foot.

Rub 1 drop Lemon oil on a wart morning and night until it disappears.

Put 10-15 drops Lemon oil in a gallon of carpet cleaning solution to pull out stains and brighten the rug. Note:  do a test area first.

p e p p e r m i n t

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Jean Valnet, M.D., studied peppermints effect on the liver and respiratory systems.  Dr. William N. Dember of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermints ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy.  Alan Hirsch, M.D., studied peppermints ability to directly affect the brains satiety center, which triggers a sense of fullness after meals. 

Rub 3-5 drops over abdomen and around navel to relieve indigestion/flatulence and diarrhea.

Add  1 drop Peppermint oil to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve indigestion and heartburn.

Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area to relieve pain.  If there is a cut or open wound, apply the Peppermint oil 'around', not on, the open wound.

Rub 2-5 drops of Peppermint oil on soles of feet to help reduce fever.

Apply 1 drop Peppermint oil with a little V-6 topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.

Poison ivy or poison oak, apply Peppermint oil on location, dilute with V-6 Massage Oil.

Inhale Peppermint before and during a workout to boost your mood and reduce fatigue.

Massage 2 drops Peppermint oil with V-6 on abdomen to relieve nausea.

To relieve a headache, rub 1 drop of the temples, forehead, over the sinuses and on the back of the neck (avoid eye area).

Place 1 drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue to improve alertness and concentration.

Diffuse Peppermint in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy.  Inhale Peppermint while taking a test to improve recall.  (I think every school teacher should do this)

Place a drop of Peppermint on tongue and palms of your hands, cup palms over nose and inhale deeply to relieve congestion from a cold.

To deter rats, mice, ants or cockroaches, place several drops Peppermint on a cotton ball and place along the path or point of entry for these pests.

Put 1 drop Peppermint oil in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day.

Rub 3-5 drops Peppermint oil with 1 Tbsp V-6 on joints to relieve arthritis or tendonitis pain. 

Put 1 drop of diluted Peppermint oil on tongue to stop bad breath.

Inhale the fragrance to curb appetite and lessen the impulse to overeat.

Add 6 drops to a 4oz. spray bottle filled with water, to use in the bathroom as an air freshener.

Mix 2-3 drops Peppermint oil with 1/2 cup Epsom Salt in a foot bath to relieve sore feet.  

t h i e v e s

Thieves blend, the essential oils in Thieves is well-known for enhancing health and well-being.  Each of the single essential oils in this blend makes Thieves a very popular essential oil due to its variety of uses.  The single oils in the blend Thieves are:  Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), Lemon (citrus limon), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum verum), eucalyptus radiata, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis CT 1,8 cineol).

Apply 1-2 drops Thieves to cuts or open wounds to help prevent infection and promote healing.  

Mix 1 drop Thieves in a Tbsp water, gargle for a sore throat.

Morning & evening, apply 2-3 drops Thieves on the soles of feet to protect from colds & flus.

Apply 1 drop Thieves to a bee or wasp sting to neutralize the toxin & relieve pain & swelling.

Once or twice a week, add enough drops (3-4 drops) to a q-tip & run on gums & teeth to help kill oral pathogens & promote healthy gums and teeth.

Diffuse Thieves at home or office to kill airborne germs related to colds & flu.  (Another must for Teachers)

Put 3-5 drops Thieves on a dampened washcloth, toss in the dryer in place of toxic dryer sheets.

Mix 3-4 drops Thieves with 1/2 cup of baking soda for an effective tub & tile cleaner.

Mix 1 drop Thieves with a tsp of Honey for cough relief.

Add to your mop water or spray bottle with water to clean floors & counter tops. 

Put 5 drop of Thieves in Pedicure tub to help kill bacteria that might be present.

To begin your Oily Journey and to order Young Living Essential Oils at 24% off of Retail pricing, CLICK HERE. Please post your questions & I'll be happy to respond. Have a blessed day!


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