Hey, remember me?

Well, I'm almost embarrassed it's been so long!  For the ones who've read and followed me on my journey and through life, please forgive me!  Since it's been SO long, let's jump back in this way...

Happy Friday my friends! I’ve been asked to share for #fridayintroductionsbut the thought has always terrified me! This is the look I have when I forget something which might happen more than I’d like to admit. 😬🤣

🌱My name is Kimberlee but I go by Kim which happens to have originally been a guys name but you can see how that turned out.  The ladies have taken over!


🌱I’ve never done this before because the thought of people not responding terrifies me so please, don’t torture me.
🌱I’m married to the sweetest, most honest, hardworking man I’ve ever met - Mike. He’s my person! ❤️
🌱At one point I had 1 kid in college, 1 in HS, 1 in MS, 1 in Elementary & 1 at home. I now have grands and it’s a good life! 
🌱My frequent drive through joint this summer has been @chickfila - I’m flat out addicted to their frozen coffee! Anyone else?! 🙌🏼
🌱I’m perfectly content being home but mention travel and it’s not hard to convince me to go. ✈️ 
🌱I currently have over 10k photos on my iPhone. I know what you’re thinking, please don’t judge me...I’m so afraid that cloud thing won’t do what it should and I have absolutely no idea how to get them out of there! Where are my other picture hoarders?
🌱In my free time I enjoy browsing the real estate ads online looking for our next leap. Hopefully a chunk of land where we can explore a bit of the farm life. 🐄 🐓
🌱I’m a little obsessed with this oily gig turned major lifestyle change. I share it some but what I haven’t said is that I’ve done my research; their compensation plan is the best, the initial investment is low, the overhead is none, the earning potential is limitless and the bonuses are abundant and life changing! My favorite part is the community - the people I’m now doing life with - Women need this, we thrive on it. It’s like air to us.  I'd love to tell you more about it if you're interested!  
Now, if you’ve come this you’re amazing and I thank you! So please, tell me something about you or just say hey below!

I hope to chat with you again soon (much sooner than last time).


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