Opening thoughts...
I think I could write a novel in my head....I sit down at the keyboard and every logical, eloquent thought has gone. My heart lately is terribly burdened for my son. As I tread through life, it seems that my concern seems to be the same as many other Mother's of boys. Boys; in all their pride, manly ways, tough exterior & brutish words are at the heart of it all still just boys, our boys. As difficult as they may be, we love them, adore them. Through the recent challenges of motherhood my heart breaks as my son has now left the nest to experience the college life. It's not that he's left, it's the choices he's made upon leaving. He has been given the opportunity to make his own choices, right or wrong. My challenge is to not control and not overly mother. Is that even possible?! As you see your child; boy or girl, living life and living contrary to what they've been taught, how can you not react? I wouldn't let him run out in front of a moving car, isn't this somewhat the same thing? I was given the beautiful privilege of being his Mom, carrying that child, watching him grow & delighting in his
presence in my life. The Lord trusted me to love & nurture him, pour into him, teach him The Word and raise him to have a reverent fear of the One who is responsible for giving him life. Doing these things was nothing short of a blessing. The challenge has been watching him flee them, reject the teaching he's been taught, reject the Lord who has given him life. Maybe it's just me but I believe that the enemy sees an opportunity to hurt Mothers through their boys. Our pride & joy are also our sadness & grief. We ache for their mistakes & grievances. It does prompt me to think about how I react to this sadness...does it bring me to my knees? It does but I also at times feel like a deer caught in the headlights, wondering what in the world happened. It's difficult for women to share their grief. We don't want to be judged, we don't want to be put down or be made to feel like a failure. In our sadness, we're vulnerable. We want the support of our friends and family. Sometimes we don't want you to diagnose our shortcomings or heartache, just listen, pray for us, pray for our families & our children. As women, we need to support each other; young and old, mothers to girls & boys, mothers to children who serve Him with gladness & mothers who are praying for their wayward children, mothers who love deeply, yearn for joyful days and homes full of laughter, mothers who remember simpler times. Deep down, surely we all want the same things, the best for our kids! I don't want to label what I think is best because my best is likely different than thoughts of the best for others children. Can we unite in prayer, in love and encouragement for our children and in support of each other? Overall and above all, prayer can be a wonderful binding force. Won't you join me?
presence in my life. The Lord trusted me to love & nurture him, pour into him, teach him The Word and raise him to have a reverent fear of the One who is responsible for giving him life. Doing these things was nothing short of a blessing. The challenge has been watching him flee them, reject the teaching he's been taught, reject the Lord who has given him life. Maybe it's just me but I believe that the enemy sees an opportunity to hurt Mothers through their boys. Our pride & joy are also our sadness & grief. We ache for their mistakes & grievances. It does prompt me to think about how I react to this sadness...does it bring me to my knees? It does but I also at times feel like a deer caught in the headlights, wondering what in the world happened. It's difficult for women to share their grief. We don't want to be judged, we don't want to be put down or be made to feel like a failure. In our sadness, we're vulnerable. We want the support of our friends and family. Sometimes we don't want you to diagnose our shortcomings or heartache, just listen, pray for us, pray for our families & our children. As women, we need to support each other; young and old, mothers to girls & boys, mothers to children who serve Him with gladness & mothers who are praying for their wayward children, mothers who love deeply, yearn for joyful days and homes full of laughter, mothers who remember simpler times. Deep down, surely we all want the same things, the best for our kids! I don't want to label what I think is best because my best is likely different than thoughts of the best for others children. Can we unite in prayer, in love and encouragement for our children and in support of each other? Overall and above all, prayer can be a wonderful binding force. Won't you join me?